Over head shot two construction workers looking at drawings and a laptop 1200x408
Over head shot two construction workers looking at drawings and a laptop 1200x408

Webinar: CMiC Project Gateway — Your Portal for Construction Collaboration

Challenges to Construction Collaboration

A construction project typically involves multiple collaborators working towards a common goal – finishing a complex job on time and on budget. However, the job site is not the only workplace in construction. Project stakeholders — including the owner, architects, engineers, a general contractor and several subcontractors — understand that the back office is the place where the contractor orchestrates the overall administration of the project. The existence of several collaborators across a multitude of locations creates a common challenge in construction: stakeholders need a common platform for sharing documents and enabling effortless communications to keep everyone in-sync.

CMiC shows the way

CMiC’s Project Gateway is the first true Cloud platform that enables seamless sharing of project documents and communications between general contractors, their partners, and their network of subcontractors. The CMiC Project Gateway portal — cmiccollaborate.com — aggregates projects and makes them accessible to all stakeholders in a consolidated dashboard. This dashboard puts all collaborators to work with the same data set. In addition, Project Gateway uses a single login, which eliminates the need to remember multiple websites and passwords.

View the recorded webinar to learn how CMiC Project Gateway gives construction firms the advantage of frictionless collaboration. The presentation and demo covers:

  • Intuitive Dashboards

  • Mobile and Desktop Capabilities

  • Single Login for All Projects

  • Access to Live Datasets for All Collaborators


Oliver Ritchie, VP of Technology & Innovation, CMiC