eBook: Telltale Signs that Your Construction Management Software is Outdated

Outdated construction management software or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform can become a significant barrier to operational efficiency and growth. As technology advances rapidly, relying on aging ERP systems can hinder your ability to meet industry demands, adapt to new technologies, and maintain competitiveness.

The reality, however, is that many firms are working with outdated technology. While recent studies show that the average life of an ERP system is 5-10 years, the average age of this type of solution hovers around 20 years.

This reinforces the importance of the modernization of ERPs to keep pace with digital transformation, as well as other changes — in particular, technological, compliance and regulatory requirements.

This guide outlines:

  • Key signs that the Construction ERP your firm is using is outdated

  • Evaluating if your ERP provider is keeping up with industry advancements

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